Sunday, October 16, 2011

Look, a post, after two years of silence!

Beauty and Rest
We’ve been using a friend’s car and they come back soon so Saturday afternoon we took the chance and drove out of town, just to see some beauty and breathe. Fall is here in full force. Everywhere the colours are turning. The road we were on winds through the mountains, past green meadows speckled with flaming shrubs. The yellow and red on the mountainsides came to life in the afternoon light. I feel God’s presence differently when I am in nature. And my heart seems to rest. On our way back we stopped on the side of the road and walked into the forest far enough to feel as if we were days away from any sign of civilization. There was a small, clear stream that immediately drew us. Karl and Alianna built a dam and I kept Ezra from destroying it. We only went back because the sun was getting thin and we weren’t wearing enough clothes. It was such a blessing that we decided to invite some friends the next day and do it again. This time we went to the valley where the Banyan Tree is situated. It was even more beautiful. I want to move to that quiet valley with the river, hills and grassland dotted with yaks. It is only 20 minutes’ drive outside of town, so we will probably go again. Alianna definitely fell in love and wants to build a tree house by the river. 

Just a Few
You have not heard from us, because I really didn’t know what to write. In July we went to Thailand on a visa run, which was actually not bad. We got a 6 months double entry visa, which means that we are heading out of the country again at the end of this month. Right now we are planning to do a road trip (we are using a friend’s car) to the south of the province and head over to Laos again. It is the easiest and cheapest route and we have friends there, so we get to see them as well. The past three months saw a lot of ups and downs for us. We are really seeking Guidance in how to begin this business. In the end it is still just a “vehicle”. Our heart is to raise up locals to be able to produce safe food in a environmentally sustainable way while bringing true life to their communities. Right now we know three amazing people who fit that description. Only three, but it is a start. So how do we start a business that will fulfill all these requirements? We have no clue. We have a business plan and so many ideas. But in the end it will be one step at a time. Doing the next right thing. 

Business Baby Steps
Soon after we returned, Karl met with a potential investor for his business and had a very good time with him. He is interested in funding a pilot chicken project, which is a long story, but comes down to raising chickens on a small scale and in an environmentally friendly way, which might even improve the land it is raised on for grazing for other animals. I am not a farmer (just a farmer's wife, ha!), but I know that grazing here is terrible. When you see emaciated animals in September, after supposedly grazing on pasture all summer long, it is not difficult to conclude that the available pasture is not good quality. And then, if you have ever eaten Chinese chicken, you know why alternative ways of raising them would take off. They taste terrible. Chickens can also be a relatively easy small business enterprise for a small farmer with limited land and resources. Add to that the national concern for food safety and all kinds of scares about what is in animal feed, and you have a market for all the chickens that will hopefully soon be produced. This is just a pilot/trial project that will be part of the farm Karl is setting up with local believers. To begin a registered business, we still have a long way to go, we need $100 000 (US) and many capable people. Baby steps...

The end of the Road
In the meantime we lost the lease on the land where the goats were. Luke, who works for Karl, moved the goats to his own hometown. We actually went to Xia Ruo in September. Karl and Luke went to his village, at the end of the road in the valley (two days’ walk over the mountains to Benzilan, three days’ walk to Bai Mang Mountain, you get it, the end of the road). Beautiful, said Karl, but far. Luke’s family doesn’t hardly have any land, but the goats will be fed for the winter from hay and silage he made this summer and hopefully by spring we will have another option. In the meantime it is good for him to be with his parents. They are old and need help. At the same time they need Truth, Love and Grace. Maybe it is time for Luke to share the Life he found with his family. In the past they have not been very receptive. There are no believers over the age of 35 in that whole area and only a handful of younger ones. Pray for him to share with wisdom and gentleness. 

Life giving community
Over the last few months we have read through “Truefaced” and shared a lot of our thoughts, frustrations and struggles in a small group of friends. It has been challenging to be in true, open community, but it has also been tremendously good. Nothing is too awful to talk about. No situation is too hopeless. And every time when one of us cannot see the forest for the trees or feel that we are too deep in the ditch, the others gather around and remind us what Jesus did for us, who we are in Him and how we have new, pure hearts to live out of and a new Life to step into. Overwhelming despair or crippling struggles are so much easier to overcome with a fellowship of Believers being real, loving and gracious.  I need the Body. I need others who know that in this new life we can trust what God says about us and what He has accomplished and live accordingly. I would love to be that for those around me. 

Our Heavenly Father
Parenting has been challenging this last while. Actually, I think it has always been challenging for me. We have talked a lot about wanting the focus of our family and togetherness to be joy. Then I find myself really not living in it. I guess to impart a state of deep, restful joy in my relationship with my children, I have to experience that in my relationship with my Father first. And I don’t. Mostly I find myself striving, not resting. And when I feel like I have to strive for approval or experiencing my Father’s pleasure, rather than just resting in what He has already given, I expect striving from everyone around me. No-one is exempt. Not my wonderful husband and not my sweet children. I try to remember that we are all on a journey and God was not ignorant of my need for growth when He gave us Alianna and Ezra. And that their journeys are intertwined with mine. My Redeemer can redeem also my immaturity and the damage I feel it causes in my relationships. All the while He leads me to grow into who He says I am, now that I am hidden in Christ.

Visa...still waiting
Our visa situation hasn’t changed since we got back. The investor Karl met with earlier this year suggested that he tries to get involved with an (almost failing) olive farm in Kunming. He can help them get the farm back on track and they will try to help us with a visa. We have prayed a lot about this and felt hat it is the right thing to do for now. The board of directors wants to meet with Karl at the end of October before any final decisions are made. At the moment it looks like we will spend a few weeks in the year down there and then Karl might travel down between those times to train the workers on the farm in proper farming techniques. This is something that we will appreciate prayer for. For this to work it has to work for everyone involved and there seems to be a lot of details in it. Karl has always wanted to do something with olives here in our prefecture (sounds strange, but they actually have very old olive trees next to the river where it is lower and not so cold). So this will be a wonderful opportunity to get experience in this field. 

Trip to US
Christmas is two short months away. Frightening how quickly this year flew by. We are planning to go to the US in December and will be there until early February. Although we spent a year in South Africa, we haven’t been to the US in three years and we want to connect with supporters to share our needs and plans. It will also be good to reconnect with friends and family. The holidays are a bit of a crazy time to do that, but farmers have to be on their farms in summer, so it is the only option we have. If you are in the US and want to see us while we are there, or just want to say hi, contact us at 208 875 2275. It rings through to us here in China, 16 hours ahead of Pacific time.

In lifting up
If you are the type of person who wakes up in the middle of the night and takes that as an indication that you are to intercede, we need your prayers. If you are the type of person who fleetingly thinks of someone and shoots up a quick prayer, shoot one up for us. 
I think I am more convinced than ever before that we are not going to make it here without the prayers of others. For a long time we have felt overwhelmed and wanted to be ignorant of what might be going on around us in the unseen. Recently we have been prompted more to pray specifically into situations that can only be described as a battle. And sometimes I long for those ignorant times. The reality is that we have an enemy. But we also have victory. Pray for us to stand in that with His humility, wisdom and discernment. Pray for us to perservere.

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